Discord ModMail

A fully automated ModMail For Discord Server Made with Discord.Js


So basically this is a fully a customised ModMail Discord Bot Only Made For Mailing Moderators of the Discord Server.

Things required to build this bot:

  • Discord Developer Portal Access
  • An active in Botghost website
  • Our code to do the customising
  • And a free hosting server


  • The only reason behind using BotGhost's service was just to make the whole process quick and almost hassle-free.
  • But dw about the premium restrictions in Botghost, just to bypass those restrictions we have added the Step: 3 in the process.

Step: 1 [Discord Bot Developer Portal]

Step: 2 [Creating account in Botghost]

Step: 3 [Get the customising code]

Step: 4 [Free hosting to keep it alive 24/7]
